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Ira Price

Residing In: San Diego, CA USA

From: "Price, Ira T."
Date: March 19, 2019 at 3:32:28 PM MDT
To: 'Robert Valentine'

Greetings Bob,

Well, it is amazing what a person can find when perusing their Spam folder! I normally do not waste time looking at it. I usually just send it on its way. However my ISP is in the process of upgrading our servers and prior to switching over to the new DNS addresses I decided to browse through the Spam folder just in case. When doing so the words Provo High School from your previous email caught my eye and as they say “the rest is history”.

Thanks for bringing the Class website to my attention. I will check it out. Also, you can now remove my name from the “Lost” category. My current address and phone number is as shown in your below email. FYI, I have a fairly restrictive email account and it is not easy for a non-authorized person and/or company to gain direct access to me. I shall now however, thanks to your discovered email, add your and Jim’s email addresses to my server’s White List. This will allow your emails to reach me.

A 60th Reunion in 2020?? ….. I can’t believe it has been that long. Where did all the time go? Seems just like yesterday. Please have Jim keep me informed as to the details. Thanks again Bob for your email. I’m glad that I decided to go dumpster diving in my Spam folder. Take care.

Your classmate,
