Reunion Pictures

We held the dinner on Friday night.  On Saturday after the reunion at the Provo City Library ballroom, we had a picnic up Hobble Creek Canyon, which was attended by our parents, as you can see.  

Please email your pictures of the Provo High 50th reunion to Bob Valentine at

Picnic in Hobble Creek
32 Photos  10/11/11
2010 Reunion Dinner
17 Photos  10/11/11
Planning Committee
9 Photos  10/15/11
More Dinner Pictures
30 Photos  10/14/11
More Picnic Pictures
25 Photos  10/14/11
Brick Oven Luncheon
1 Photo  10/15/11
Victor Cisneros
1 Photo  10/15/11
Marty Bingham
1 Photo  10/15/11
St. George Lunch in 2009
6 Photos  10/15/11
Maeser 3rd Grade 1951
1 Photo  11/11/11
Stanford Elementary
1 Photo  11/11/11
Mary Whittaker Boyd
1 Photo  12/5/11
St. George Lunch!
12 Photos  2/20/12
Willard Duane Burge
1 Photo  4/25/12
Planning for 2015!
1 Photo  11/9/12